Personal PagesFlint (Michigan) Central High School reunions. Well, after two practice reunions -- in August 2008 (44th) and August 2009 (45th) – the real 50th was held in September 2013 at the Atlas Valley Country Club. If you find this link through Google, please look at the website that Dee Wilson (nee: Dixon) has prepared, and contact your classmates. If you want to have Dee add you to the “found list”, please write to Dee with your contact information so she can post your Email address. Here are some more photos of our classmates. In 2007 and 2008 we took advantage of the warm August to go “up north.” In July 2010, but using the two methods for crossing Lake Michigan - high speed and slower speed car ferries. Michigan is a beautiful state. Created, and first posted March 2007; updated November 2008 and August 2010. While awaiting to go offshore by helo to Tantawan Explorer spent a day of touring. The opening shots are a view out of the room on the Gulf of Thailand; located between Sattahip and Rayong. The first stop of the June 2001 trip was Ulsan, and after going offshore I continued on to Singapore. Yes, it included a visit to my friends in the Zoo! Created, and posted August 2004. Discovered a nice-photos page, and its link is now here: they include fall scenes, local monuments and the walk about in the Izu (Japan) peninsula. A panorama of garden photos, which will eventually have links to the large photos explained in the next paragraph. The panorama consists of a 30 inch wide web page taken from the northwest corner of the back yard to the southwest corner. Detailed photos of each plant - in bloom - are above and below the panorama. Created in June, and posted August 2003. Its time to put the north-side annuals and bushes on the web. The first page shows individual photos starting from the front. The primary bushes to the left (north-side) are viburnum, with a weigela, yellow lilies, a crepe myrtle, rhododendron and azaleas. Created in June 2005. And the front yard which includes the south-side beside the driveway. Photos are from 2004 as well as 2005. Included are: azaleas, mallow and lilac. Created in June 2005. And more photos from the backyard in bloom. Created in June 2005. OK, time to see some snow pictures! The surprise snow storm started Saturday night and ended Sunday - 11 and 12 February. The snow was very wet so you can see how much snow accumulated on branches and limbs. In Arlington we got 12 to 14 inches. Most of the photos were taken in the backyard on Sunday morning. The Blizzard of 2009 - Saturday, December 19 gave us 19 inches and a white Christmas. Then again in February 2010 - the blizzard of 2010 - closed everything for a week. At the end of this page are some links to the summer version of the same views. Another page which features the north of the house with annuals and bushes, also has numerous pictures of the oriental fringe in the front yard. At the end of this page is the fringe covered with snow. Created in March 2006; updated December 2009 and again in August 2010. |
Summer and Fall 2006 - I started taking photos on late spring, and took photos throughout the blooming season. The shots were all taken from the same location - fourth step of the porch - focused on three different scenes. The plan is to use onMouseOver for each photo which will be “Photoshoped” to exactly the same extent of view; this is so we can demonstrate the changes in foliage. Well, the aforementioned plan has NOT yet been implemented. In the meantime I have put all the photos on individual pages. The last two pages (links below) give a page of pretty flowers and plants, and a page where I have posted really neat photos taken over the past few years. Created in September 2006.
Summer 2004, and its time to update the photos of the garden. The back yard annuals and peonies are featured in a number of collages. Separate pages for the annuals and peonies are called from the main page. Another collage gives the azaleas in and around the back yard. (See the individual links below) Each of these pages consists of a large JPEG collage. The JPEG is "mapped" with links to larger, high resolution photos. Created in July and August 2004.
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Photos of flowering bushes in the garden in the spring of 2002. Another page of flowering bushes has larger photos. Both pages posted October 2002.
Container Damage on the APL China. Similar container damage was sustained on the OOCL America. The APL China photos were taken by ILWU, and posted on their web page. Original posting was on Erols site. Subsequently posted on Solo web server. Better to go directly to the latest page on the Solo server. Last revised: February 2001.
Various offshore facilities and ships associated with oil offtake and FPSO, FSO and FSUs. These include a June 2001 trip to the Far East to observe the Tantawan Explorer and Benchamas Explorer in the Gulf of Thailand. The photos record a lifting to the Teekay Shipping tanker Kyushu Spirit. Additional photos include FPSOs being converted in Singapore's two main yards. A September 2001 visit offshore North Sea to the FPSO Anasuria. Though did not observe an offtake, numerous photos document the severe environment of North Sea operations. Photos of the shuttle tanker Knock Sallie in June 2002 at the Eagle Point (NJ) Terminal document the bow loading system (BLS) of this Hyundai-built Aframax tanker.
Additional photos taken in June 2001 at Ulsan of the Stena Victory, the second VMax tanker designed for shallow draft operation. The VLCC features separate engine rooms and complete redundancy in propulsion and controls. Created in July, and posted August 2004.
Offshore facilities in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea; specifically the Statfjord and Gullfaks Fields. Photos taken onboard the DP3 shuttle tanker Navion Hispania taking a lifting of cargo in September 2003.
Fall 2003 visits: Various shipyards and facilities in Korea and Singapore. While in Singapore, boarded the SuperStar Virgo, which was taking on passengers at the Cruise Terminal. Visit to the Training and Simulator facilities at the Port Klang head office of Star Cruises; a 45-minute commuter flight from Changi Airport to KL - on a SIA Boeing 777. Visits from 13 through 27 November. Created, and posted August 2004.
Photos from January 23, 2004 visit of Professor Kijima of Kyushu University and Oshima Shipyard staff visit to the Coast Guard.
At SLF 47, in session from 13 to 17 September 2004: A dinner at the Goya on Monday night to thank some for their special efforts during the intersessional period that made it possible to complete Harmonization at SLF 47. A very special dinner at the Japanese restaurant - thank you Professor Ikeda. A light moment at the Thai restaurant with Jim and Rob. It was a long, long session! We did not commence the SDS Working Group report until after lunch on Friday, but finally at 5:15 the session was over, and folks said good-bye to colleagues. Created, and posted September 2004.
October and November 2004 meetings in Japan and Korea: Jaideep and I were in Izu Japan for the 3rd International Conference on Collisions and Groundings of Ships (ICCGS 2004) from 24 to 27 October. Then, a mere 2-hour Shinkansen train ride to Osaka, we attended an excellent Design for Safety Conference hosted by the two Osaka universities - from 27 to 30 October in Sakai City. Hosted by Professor Paik of the Pusan National University in Busan, visits to his structures laboratories and the model basin with a newly commissioned sloshing facility are recorded. Final days (November 2 - 4) included a visit to Samsung's research group (as well as the shipyard) on Geoji Island. Various photos of the traveling - including the hydrofoil, Beetle - from Hakata, Japan to Busan and a short visit to the Nagasaki R&D Center of MHI are displayed with thanks to all. Created, and posted November 2004.
At SLF 48, in session from 12 to 16 September 2005: Dinners with delegation members at the Goya on Monday night. A special thank you dinner at a NEWLY found fish restaurant near the Old Vic on Friday night. And, although the sushi bar was closed, with Jan Otto we discovered a "worthy of a return visit" Italian restaurant. Session over, and time to take a photo of the delegation in the Delegates Lounge on Friday afternoon - as we finished at 1:30. Created, and posted September 2005.
After SLF 48, a visit to Finland. Flew from London to Helsinki, then by train to Turku on Saturday, September 17th. A visit to the Aker Finnyard on Monday where the Freedom of the Seas is nearing completion. Photos were taken across from an marina during a Sunday drive. After a Tuesday visit to the Finnish Administration, an overnight on the Swedish-flag Silja Symphony, morning arrival (9:30) in Stockholm. But, getting up early in the morning - is worth the views of the Archipelago - breathtaking! Train across to Götebörg for model tests at SSPA. There are websites for everything: a search on Google, with “Silja Symphony+photos string” resulted in the photo used. That same search netted one site with an amazing set of photos around the ship. Eugene’s excellent photos were taken on his Winter 2003 crossing. On another page Eugene critiques the vessel. Created, and posted October 2005.
Other web pages:
There are a number of local Chesapeake Section pages to access:
Photos pages from section meetings - legacy server
Photos from section meetings - favorites captured on my server
There are a number of MT (Marine Technology) On-Line web pages and SNAME News:
Damage consequence diagrams - "Do we Go or Do we Stay?"
SSC & SNAME ink memorandum of understanding - SNAME becomes a member of the SSC
There are a number of panel and Ad Hoc panel web pages:
SNAME T&R Subcommittee on Marine Safety and Ad Hoc Panels - this page informs members of various IMO activities related to marine safety, environmental protection, as well as activities of the SLF Sub-Committee which is under Naval Architecture Division of the Coast Guard (CG-5212).
In January 2014 the first session of the new Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction (SDC) met in London. This reorganization of the DE, SLF and FP Sub-Committees resulted in two new Sub-Committees -- SDC and SSE. To get the first session document SDC 1/1.
The above Marine Safety and Ad Hoc Panels Subcommittee activities and IMO activities pages have also been loading on my server.
Safety of passenger ships - Paul Cojeen - Ad Hoc #8 was approved in 2002 to assist with IMO activities; led until 2008 by RADM Gordon Piché.
Contact: H. Paul CojeenPassenger weights - George Borlase - Ad Hoc #15 was formed in October 2005 to assist in review of a Coast Guard project.
Site prepared and posted on: New Year's Eve, December 2000
Site updated: January 11, February 26, March 15, August 21, October 8 & December 11 and 21, 2001
June 23 & October 20, 2002; October 26 & November 5, 2003
January 14, March 25, April 15 & August 5, 2007
November 4, 12, & December 12, 20, 2008
September 14, December 25, 2009 & June 2010
March 20 (50th reunion); October 19 (navigation); November 29, 2014 (special photos)
August 30, 2015 (minor repair)
File posted on: www.cojeen.com/home1.htm & index.htm